How to Be Successful in the Job Market and Maybe Dating Too?

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Being an attractive candidate when applying for a job takes more than just having a good resume and applying. It takes careful and meticulous preparation, staying organized, and of course networking.

I should admit that my perspective may be a little biased as I am currently in a job search. This past summer I took a course called Career Strategic Planning which altered my entire viewpoint on searching for a job. Many of the techniques I have learned have proved helpful and I have received more responses.

In the past it has felt like my application went into this abyss; I got one response that my application was received and then complete silence. Not a rejection or acknowledgement, but worse: the silent treatment, leaving you in the guessing game and then forcing you to make the decision to move on.

The more I learned about job search techniques the more I realized a job search is similar to dating, except the perfect match is the most compatible job. I find this to be a win-win situation; whether you end up with your dream job and/or a soulmate, you will gain something.

1. Put your best face forward

Now, this sounds like a huge cliché, however looking your best is a part of making a good first impression. Though we would all like to think that judgment is not passed based on physical appearance, the truth is it is. Judging people is a part of human nature whether we acknowledge it or not.

In addition with body language, balancing your weight evenly when standing as opposed to leaning to one side exudes confidence. Mimicking the body language of the person you are speaking with also creates a feeling of trust. Leaning forward as they lean forward and keeping eye contact throughout the conversation is a great tactic. Also, remember to be enthusiastic.

2. Always have your elevator pitch ready

In an interview, there’s always that dreaded question, “So tell me about yourself?” and usually, this is the first question. As if you can tell someone your entire life story and what makes you special in less than 10 minutes. It’s nerve-racking in my opinion.

So the easiest thing to do is to make a personal branding statement. This statement should explain what you do currently and what your goals are. In addition, you need a show-stopping statement that harmoniously brings it all together. The one thing you definitely need is a takeaway line, or a tag line if you will, such as bagel connoisseur. Now obviously you will tailor this for the setting but overall it is the thing you want to be known for.

3. Take your resume, business cards, and portfolio with you wherever you go

Each day, go out with the mindset that you never know who you will meet in that day. You may run into Oprah at the vegan restaurant you just happen to try out one day. Having a well-crafted resume and business cards on hand will always keep you prepared. Also, samples of your work whether tangible or as a link on your business card will let people know you are serious.

4. Have a list of valuable questions ready

This requires research. If you are networking make sure you ask questions that add to the conversation and make the other person think, a question that will leave a lasting impression, like, “What inspires you about this organization?”

If you are in an interview, ask, “How will my success be measured in this role?” This will also help you understand if the organization is a good fit.

5. When you do get an interview, remember to bring recommendation letters

Even if it is not requested, this preparation will leave you ready for anything.

6. Lastly, after the interviews, remember to send a thank you note

Handwritten thank you notes can be very well received and set you apart from other candidates.


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